Codeforces 26A - A. Almost Prime

26A - A. Almost Prime

素因数分解したときに、素因数の種類が 2 つかどうか求める問題。

import Data.List

factorize :: Int -> [Int]
factorize 1 = [1]
factorize n = fac 2 n
    fac p n
      | n == 1         = []
      | n `mod` p == 0 = p : fac p (n `div` p)
      | otherwise      = fac (p+1) n

isAlmostPrime :: Int -> Bool
isAlmostPrime n = 2 == (length $ nub $ factorize n)

calc :: Int -> Int
calc n = sum [1 | i <- [1..n], isAlmostPrime i]

main = do s <- getLine
          print $ calc $ read s


Codeforces 148A - A. Insomnia cure

148A - A. Insomnia cure

calc :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
calc k l m n d = d - length [i | i <- [1..d],
                             i `mod` k /= 0,
                             i `mod` l /= 0,
                             i `mod` m /= 0,
                             i `mod` n /= 0]

main = do s <- getContents
          let [k, l, m, n, d] = map read $ lines s :: [Int]
          print $ calc k l m n d



Codeforces 3A - A. Shortest path of the king

3A - A. Shortest path of the king

import Data.Char      

parse :: String -> (Int, Int)
parse s = (digitToInt (s!!1), ord (s!!0) - ord 'a' + 1)

calc :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [String]
calc (sr, sc) (dr, dc)
  | sr == dr && sc == dc = []
  | otherwise =  dir : calc (r, c) (dr, dc)
      r = sr + signum (dr - sr)
      c = sc + signum (dc - sc)
      dir = (move sc dc "R" "L") ++ (move sr dr "U" "D")
      move src dst lt gt
        | src == dst = ""
        | src <  dst = lt
        | otherwise  = gt

main :: IO ()       
main = do s <- getLine
          t <- getLine
          let moves = calc (parse s) (parse t)
          print $ length moves
          mapM_ putStrLn moves

mapM_ はまだよく意味が分かっていない。


Codeforces 139A - A. Petr and Book

139A - A. Petr and Book

calc :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
calc n pages = calc' n (cycle pages) (cycle [1..7])
    calc' n (p:pages) (d:dayWeek)
      | n <= p    = d
      | otherwise = calc' (n-p) pages dayWeek

main = do s <- getLine
          t <- getLine
          print $ calc (read s) (map read $ words t)

Codeforces 146A - A. Lucky Ticket

146A - A. Lucky Ticket

import Data.Char

isLucky :: String -> Bool
isLucky s = all (\c -> c == '4' || c == '7') s

calc :: String -> String
calc s = if isLucky s && sum hd == sum tl
         then "YES"
         else "NO"
    xs = map digitToInt s 
    n  = length s `div` 2
    hd = take n xs
    tl = drop n xs

main = do s <- getLine
          t <- getLine
          putStrLn $ calc t

Codeforces 219A - A. k-String

219A - A. k-String

  • 文字列をソートする。
  • 同じ文字でグルーピング。
  • グルーピングした文字列の長さが k の倍数なら、k-string は作れる。そうでなければ k-string は作れない
import Data.List

calc :: Int -> String -> Maybe String
calc k s = if all (\t -> length t `mod` k == 0) xs
           then Just $ (foldl1 (++) . replicate k) $ kString1 xs
           else Nothing
    xs = group $ sort s
    kString1 []     = ""
    kString1 (x:xs) = take (length x `div` k) x ++ kString1 xs

main = do s <- getLine
          t <- getLine
          case calc (read s) t of
            Just x  -> putStrLn x
            Nothing -> print (-1) -- -1 は括弧で囲む必要がある